Not a Playground for Squeezing and Squashing: Respect Our House Rules


Please take a moment to thoroughly review our house rules before making your reservation. Our guidelines are designed with the utmost respect for our cats' comfort and may be considered restrictive by some.

Click on each rule to understand the rationale behind our strict guidelines.


Preparing for Your Visit

  • Come in comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting a bit of fur on, and that can withstand the occasional scratch or chew. Avoid clothing with loose strings or decorative items that cats might play with or chew on. For the best experience, please wear attire that is easy to sit on the floor to interact with our cats.

  • Shoes must be removed and socks kept on throughout your session to maintain a clean and hygienic experience for all.

  • To encourage the cats to come closer to you with less hesitation, minimise the use of strong perfumes and colognes as our feline friends are particularly sensitive to odours.

  • We welcome children of all ages at Fluffydolls Catfe, as it is a great opportunity for them to socialise and learn to respect animals. However we ask that parents supervise your children at all times and ensure they follow our house rules. We take these rules very seriously. Verbal reminders will be given should you or your child violate our house rules. On the third reminder, you will be asked to leave without a refund. Please consider if your children can enjoy the cafe while respecting our cats and the environment. Thank you!


During Your Visit

  • Do not pet and approach the cats in the first 5 minutes.

    Upon entering, spread out and ignore the cats. Find a place to sit quietly for the first 5 minutes. Do not approach or engage with the cats immediately. This allows the cats to come to you at their own pace and comfort level, and help them understand that you are not a threat.

    Sometimes our feline friends may get a little excited! Please do not rush to pet them even if they approach you in the first the 5 minutes.

  • Keep your movements gentle, and avoid loud conversations and sudden gestures. Be present without imposing. Do not use your hands to make fast movements as they may learn that your hand is a toy. Remember, our human hands are only for slow and gentle pets. For playtime, we can use teaser toys.

  • To help our feline friends feel safe, approach them slowly from the side, squat down, or try to appear smaller in stature to be less intimidating. Then, slowly extend your hand to pet them gently on their back.

    Do not pat them on their heads as this may scare them. You can try lowering your hands to give gentle cheek rubs instead. Please limit each instance of petting to 3 to 5 gentle strokes. Continuously petting the same cat can build up pent-up energy in them, which may result in them moving away, nibbling on your hand, or even pawing you as a warning to stop.

    Avoid touching a cat’s belly to prevent stress and discomfort. This is their most vulnerable spot, and they typically only allow people they trust (such as owners), to pet them there.

    Remember, when we respect their personal space, the cats will yearn for more attention and return for more pets!

  • Our cats will not bite or scratch you unless they feel threatened.

    Occasionally, they may give you a little nibble as a sign to stop petting them. This is their cue for you to respect their space! In this situation, you may pet other cats and come back again later instead.

  • Please avoid running and stomping your feet to maintain a calm and peaceful environment. If a cat retreats into a corner, it is a sign that they need space and feel overwhelmed. Do not corner or chase after them. Please avoid overcrowding as this can make them feel trapped.

  • Cats need to feel safe and secure to sleep comfortably. Disturbing a sleeping or resting cat will cause distress. We want our cats to feel at ease and be able to sleep whenever and wherever they choose, without the need to hide. Please respect their need for rest.

    We ask that visitors refrain from picking up, grabbing or kissing our cats at all times. Going face to face to stare or kissing cats is extremely uncomfortable for them and can be seen as a confrontation. We pride ourselves in doing our best to ensure the comfort and well-being of our cats. Please adhere to these guidelines to prevent stress, discomfort, and potential injury for both cats and visitors.

  • Only use teasers and toys provided. Outside treats and human food are strictly not allowed.


    Gently weave the provided teasers to engage the cats. Avoid hitting the teaser on the ground repeatedly, or right in front of their faces. Do not poke the cats with the teasers. Please refrain from bringing your own cat toys or lasers into the cafe.


    To ensure the health and well-being of our cats, please do not feed them any outside treats or human food. Our cats have a specific diet tailored to their nutritional needs, and outside treats or human food can cause digestive issues and other health problems. Treats can be purchased in-store at $4/packet.

  • Before leaving the cafe, we kindly encourage all visitors to wash their hands. This small step not only helps keep our space clean but also minimises any potential risks, ensuring the well-being of both our cats and our guests.


  • Please do not visit any other cattery or cat cafe before coming to ours to prevent the risk of transmitting diseases. This helps us maintain a safe and healthy environment for our cats.

  • To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all visitors, please note that if you arrive late, your session will still end at the scheduled time. This policy helps us maintain our schedule and ensures that all visitors have a fair and equal opportunity to interact with our cats. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • To protect the welfare and safety of our cats and customers, you may be asked to leave our premises without a refund if found to be going against our house rules.

Ready to Make a Reservation?

If you have carefully read the above rules and feel that they align with your values, and you appreciate our detailed guidelines to safeguard the well-being of our feline friends, we invite you to book a session with us.